25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service at Amelia Trust Farm

7pm on Tuesday 12th July 2016
We are getting closer to our anniversary service and I would really appreciate it if you could give the invitation to all a big push in your churches over the coming few Sunday’s.  
The local circuits have been invaluable in their support to the farm over the last 25 years, and it would be fabulous to get a nice big congregation together to celebrate and give thanks to God for the gospel in action at the farm and to say thank you to all our supporters.  The service will be an opportunity to find out more about the work of the farm, all that has been done over the past 25 years and the direction for the future.
We are pleased to announce that Jane Hutt AM will be attending and will say a few words about the value of the work of the farm in the community.  We are also pleased that the Mayor of Barry will be in attendance.
We, at Amelia Trust Farm, really appreciate all the support that you give to us and this service is our way of saying thank you.   Please spread the word.  I would appreciate it if you could forward this email to your church stewards and local preachers for their help in spreading the word over the next few weeks.  
Many thanks, blessings,
Rev Delyth Liddell

Chaplain to Amelia Trust Farm