Author Archives: Lisa Medina

Churches at the Royal Welsh Show.

Chaplains-MaroonJackets18 – 21 July sees the 2016 Royal Welsh Show in Builth Wells. During this week the Showground Chaplaincy service will offer a listening ear to the farming community and over 200,000 visitors who are expected to attend the show. Over the past 7 years since it’s formal creation the Chaplaincy service has grown to cover over 40 events on the Showground during the year with a team of 25 registered Chaplains and this week is still the highlight of that calendar.

PreShow-CytunTentShow week will also see thousands of free cups of tea served in the Cytûn Tent (D294) as a safe place to rest and chat on this busy site is offered along with regular prayer, worship and discussion sessions amongst the isles of trade stands on the Showground.

Those coming to the Showground, please look out for the Chaplains in their maroon Hi-Vis Jackets and pop in to the Churches’ Tent to say hello. Alternatively you can follow us on Twitter – @ChaplaincyTeam, join the group on Facebook – or simply pray for the team and their ministry from the Showground this week and throughout the year.

Jamaican Youth Exchange

wp-image-1925777327jpegA group of young adults from The Wales Synod and Synod Cymru are participating in an exchange to Jamaica, with our folks travelling this year and the Jamaican young people returning next summer. Our group are out there from the 17th July, for two weeks, returning on Monday 1st August. During their stay they will be taking part in the Jamaican Methodist District Youth Camps, either as leaders or participants, leading a Holiday Bible Club at the Jamaica National Children’s Home in Kingston as well as engaging in many other cultural activities. A prayer has been specially written for them which you’ll find in both English and Welsh.

Our young people are; Gruff, Bethan, Owain, James, Anna, Annie, Katie, Katherine and Charlotte and their leaders are Rev Cathy Gale and Deacon Jon Miller.

We pray for our young adults and leaders journeying to Jamaica on their exchange. In their travels throughout that beautiful country may they know your blessing and protection, and your joy in connecting with a different culture, forging new friendships, seeing new places and experiencing the sights, sounds, smells and tastes that Jamaica has to offer.

Lord God, may they become ambassadors for you both through their words and in the sharing of gifts and talents in your service. May their vision of the God they serve and the worldwide family of which they are a part grow; and their faith be renewed and strengthened through this experience, as they seek your plan for their own lives upon their return.

Gweddïwn dros ein hoedolion ifanc ac arweinyddion wrth iddynt deithio i  Jamaica ar eu taith gyfnewid. Boed iddynt brofi dy lawenydd wrth iddynt gyfarfod â phobl newydd, gweld lleoedd newydd a phrofi golygfeydd, synau, arogleuon a blasau newydd. Boed iddynt brofi dy amddiffyniad wrth iddynt deithio; i Jamaica ac i’r nifer o fannau y byddant yn ymweld â nhw yn y wlad hardd honno. Boed iddynt fod yn llysgenhadon i ti ym mhopeth a ddywedant ac wrth iddyn nhw ddefnyddio eu doniau mewn gwasanaeth i ti.

Arglwydd, gweddïwn y bydd ein pobl ifanc yn dy weld di mewn ffordd wahanol ac ehangach wrth gyfarfod â phobl o wahanol ran o deulu Duw mewn diwylliant gwahanol trwy’r ymweliad hwn. Gweddïwn y byddant yn tyfu mewn ffydd ac yn dychwelyd o Jamaica wedi eu hadnewyddu a’u nerthu ar gyfer y dasg sydd o’u blaen. 

Rev. Felicity Jepson-Randall
Superintendent Minister
Llanelli and Carmarthen Methodist Circuit

25th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service at Amelia Trust Farm

7pm on Tuesday 12th July 2016
We are getting closer to our anniversary service and I would really appreciate it if you could give the invitation to all a big push in your churches over the coming few Sunday’s.  
The local circuits have been invaluable in their support to the farm over the last 25 years, and it would be fabulous to get a nice big congregation together to celebrate and give thanks to God for the gospel in action at the farm and to say thank you to all our supporters.  The service will be an opportunity to find out more about the work of the farm, all that has been done over the past 25 years and the direction for the future.
We are pleased to announce that Jane Hutt AM will be attending and will say a few words about the value of the work of the farm in the community.  We are also pleased that the Mayor of Barry will be in attendance.
We, at Amelia Trust Farm, really appreciate all the support that you give to us and this service is our way of saying thank you.   Please spread the word.  I would appreciate it if you could forward this email to your church stewards and local preachers for their help in spreading the word over the next few weeks.  
Many thanks, blessings,
Rev Delyth Liddell

Chaplain to Amelia Trust Farm

The 8th Annual Urdu Convention, March 2016

Keeping the tradition of worshiping with the Culturally Diverse Congregations in the Wales, the 8th Annual Urdu Conference was held in Cardiff on 19th of March 2016 at Trinity Centre Cardiff, organized and arranged by Rev. Irfan John, the Synod Enabler for Culturally Diverse Congregations in Wales. This conference was attended by about 146 people from all around Wales.Urdu Conference 3

The theme of the conference this year was Healing and blessings.

The highlights of this conference were the different sessions including worship through singing, main preaching session, group learning, children teaching, refreshment with lunch and evening tea.
Urdu Conference 2
Key speaker for the event was Rev. Irshad John, Vicar of St Andrews Church, Dioceses of Lahore, Church of Pakistan.

A special singing session was led by Gospel Worship Band “ABBRR” from London.

The remarks from the attendees expressed their happiness, fruitful involvement in worship, and blessed Christian gathering.Urdu Conference 1

Alf Williams completes the London Marathon

PenguinCongratulations to Alf for successfully completing the London Marathon on Sunday 24th April. Alf’s time was slightly outside the world record pace set by the winners at something over 7 hours, but he reminds us that he was doing this in a Penguin costume and wasn’t the last to finish; also that he was back in MGM in time for a staff meeting and plan-making the following week.
Alf was running in support of Action for Children (having previously abseiled from the Millenium Stadium, walked the Cistercian Way and ‘flown’ over the Bethesda Slate mine to raise money for them. ) It is not too late to make a contribution to Action for Children in support of Alf’s marathon event, and you can do this by logging onto

Prayer for the Day on Radio 4

CandlesFor those who listen to Prayer for the Day on Radio 4 (either early in the morning at 5.43am or later on the iPlayer) the series next week beginning Saturday 30th April will be led by the Wales Synod Chair, Rev. Dr. Stephen Wigley.

Response to the Steel Crisis

Port_talbot_largeAlthough not a complete surprise in light of the job losses announced in January, the recent decision of Tata Steel to sell all it’s UK business nevertheless comes as devastating news to communities across south Wales, not just to Port Talbot but also to the communities around the steelworks in Llanwern (Newport) and Llanelli, as well as Shotton in North Wales.

We recognise the importance of the critical talks underway involving both the Prime Minister and the Welsh First Minister and their cabinets about the future of the British steel industry, and we hope that in these discussions there will be the same kind of strategic consideration given to the importance of the steel industry as was given to the financial services industry when that was under threat, as well as a commitment to financial support for those communities most directly affected.

Our focus will be on being the church in the midst of just these communities, and for us this will involve particularly the Neath Port Talbot, Buckley & Deeside, Llanelli & Carmarthen and Newport & Lower Wye circuits, and so we ask your prayers for Rev’s. Chris Gray, Rosemarie Clarke, Flis Randall and Preben Andersen and their colleagues in these challenging times.

Some may ask ‘What is the message of Easter’ to these communities at such a time. There are no easy answers to give and the challenges are very real. However, I am reminded that the Easter message includes both the harsh reality of Good Friday as well as the joy of Easter Sunday and that our risen Lord still bears the scars of the Cross. It may be that our best witness will be simply to stand by the Cross in solidarity with those communities which are suffering and bear witness to the God whose love ‘bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.’

Stephen Wigley, Synod Chair

(We also understand that there may be a further article coming out in next week’s Methodist Recorder)

Buckley and Deeside Prayer Walk

Circuit prayer walk2Superintendent Minister of the Buckley and Deeside Circuit, Revd Rosemarie Clarke and preacher in training Ms Michele Jones visited all the churches of the Circuit on foot over two days, a distance of 31 miles. Praying in each church they also raised over £500 for Sport Relief.

Visit of President and Vice President of Conference to Wales 17-20 March 2016

IMG_0709The Wales and Cymru Synods were delighted to welcome Rev. Steve Wild and Dr Jill Barber to Wales in the spring sunshine last week. We began with their coming to the meeting of Y Cyngor (in Shrewsbury!) on the Thursday after which Steve came down to South Wales to share in a meal hosted by the Tongan fellowship in Pontnewynydd and then to address the hundreds gathered in Blackwood for the Big Sing, while Jill visited places of historic interest in the Llanfyllin area. On Friday Jill travelled to Aberystwyth to renew contact with old friends from the time when her husband Peter was minister there in 1984-94 while Steve visited Mary Jones World in Bala and was able to hold a facsimile version of Mary Jones’ Bible. On Saturday we travelled to North Wales where Steve and JillIMG_0713 together addressed a gathering at St Paul’s, Abergele, before Jill returned home to lead a special service at Englesea Brook commemorating the centenary of the recognition of Conscious objection to serving in the armed forces. Steve continued on to visit St Winifred’s Well in Holywell and then shared in a Circuit tea at Mold, before leading worship on Sunday morning at St John’s Llandudno (and then flying out to the Isle of Mann to address a youth rally on the Sunday evening!)

IMG_0701It was an action packed visit shared across the 2 Synods – but one full of energy and encouragement, and there will be many people who will have had their photo taken with the President via ‘selfies’ taken on his tablet. We wish them both well for the remainder of their Presidential year – and note that a fuller account of their visits across the year can be found on their BlogSpot at