Dear Friends
Excuse me if you get this multiple times or if you have already replied.
I want to share a vision and a challenge.
As our 15 months of prayer across Wales draws to a close in unpredicted and unpredictable circumstances, I note that May 24th falls on a Sunday, with Pentecost falling on 31st May, the last day of our schedule.
So the vision: Will you join me in encouraging 100 people across our synods and churches in Wales to join in a Zoom prayer meeting for renewal of the church and saving the world from the virus between 8.00 pm and 9.00 pm on those two Sunday evenings? The choice of time is so that our hearts might be strangely warmed at a quarter before nine. Each evening could include arriving for coffee from say 7.30, some worship, scripture and lots of prayer.
NB People will be able to join by computer or ordinary landline telephone.
If you share the vision please email back a brief message of encouragement.
I will then give it more thought and a loose outline structure and circulate the Zoom link for you to forward to your network.
I look forward to hearing from you – please do get in touch to offer support and encouragement.
God bless
Stay safe!
Paul (Donnison)