On Saturday 2nd February 2019, over 30 young people and leaders of the Methodist Church in Wales met in Mumbles Methodist Church to explore how we as the Methodist Church can be Courageous in our faith. We continued the theme of 3Generate to challenge how we might contextually embody a spirit and heart of Courage in every aspect of our lives.
The young people were led in worship of a different tradition by Rev. Kofi Amissah which set the day up wonderfully for times of challenge, learning and pushing boundaries. The young people took part in sessions looking at creative prayer, contextual courage, righteous anger and our holistic spirituality engaging with our physicality. Five Circuits in South Wales were represented by the attendance of young people and we hope they have taken what was learnt back to their churches and wider to put it into practice.
After the sessions in Mumbles Methodist Church, the young people went to let off some steam in Ninja Tag, Swansea which was enjoyed by all followed by sharing an evening meal over a game of bowling before heading for home.
Great thanks are given to all leaders that gave up their time, organised sessions and provided transportation for the young people to be able to attend.