Grants to support online working in Wales Synod Churches

The Wales Synod Advance Fund

Grants to support online working of Churches.

The Synod Schemes & Grants Committee recognises the need to reach out online to both members and those in the community.  Churches may need to invest in some additional equipment.

Examples are: camera; sound or recording; lighting; wifi; laptop computers. This type of project falls somewhat between the two funding streams of building and mission. Projects should follow these guidelines.  The SS&GC will make up to £30,000 available this Connexional year for such schemes.


Proposals should be submitted on the SAF application form, with the additional information required. (Available on the Synod website or on request). They should include:

  • A plan with clear objectives and activities should be submitted.
  • How the success of the project will be monitored.
  • An indication that the skills required to use the equipment effectively are available or will be acquired.
  • Evidence that due diligence with regards to cost effectiveness and consideration for the environment has been made.
  • Budgets which indicate the costs and any additional sources of funds or fundraising
  • Proposals should be approved by the churches own planning and financial procedures – please include the date of that approval

Grants up to £3000 are available:

  • Requests for under £1000 receive 100%
  • Requests over £1000 can receive 50% of expenditure over £1000

Reporting Requirements

Churches receiving grants should produce a short report indicating the outcomes of the project and any lessons learnt after 12 months. This will enable the committee to evaluate the effectiveness of the scheme.

Any questions please contact Gill Peace:

The necessary application form is available using the link below.

SAF Application Form